terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012

Serious: What means love ?

Love is a very cliche subject, is a kind of feeling that we think that we know, but sometimes we don't. The dimension of love in our life is so big that in some cases is mixed with a lot of others feelings and, in the middle of all of them, we don't allowed ourself to feel this cliche. 

In the beginning of March, while I was in Brazil, me and my family were freaking out with my 1st niece's birthday (that happend in 11th March). Had a lot of little stuffs to finished, friends to be invited and I was trying to change the tickets of my flight to extend my stay with my family in Aracaju. Everything was working perfectly until 3rd March, but - at first - let me tell you a little bit about my relationship with my old sister. 

Shirley is my old sister and, as usual, she used to be very bossy and complainable while we were teenagers. We grew together and fighting a lot, and I never realised what I really felt for her because we used to have a lot of bad moments. I don't think that is completely her fault that we used to argue all the time, because - as possible as I can remember - I was a very "alternative" teenager and I was always trying to think the other side of the things, so it currently made  us spend a long time freaking out.

In 2011 the maternity made my sister a very different woman and she putted a very important focus in her life: bring Emanuela up. For me this moment was very important too (and still is), now I have a little person in my family that needs education, attention, will discovery a lot of things in the world and one day  this little person will start to ask for advices. So, maybe, that was the perfectly moment to start a new beginning.

As I said, everything changed between me and my sister after my niece was borned, but Shirley and I never showed affection for each other. But in a very normal afternoon, in 3rd Mach, I was taking a nap and suddenly the phone of my house rang, and the diarist answered the phone: and thus started the nightmare. Two outlaws called to my house telling me that they had kidnaped my sister, I was trying to control the situation, but my feelings was so confused because I used to hate my sister while I was a teenager, but in that moment I started to realised that I can't lose her: Why ?

The nightmare lasted fifteen minutes, me and the diarist discovered that they did not kidnaped my sister because my father called us in my cell phone and told us that had talked with my sister five minutes ago, the outlaws were just trying to take money for the situation. The problem was sorted out, but I was very confused about my feelings and started to think how much I really love someone that I used to hate so much. Maybe is a kind of "sisters and brothers feelings" (normal in all the families of the world), but it was very new for me and I was very happy to understood my real feeling about my sister (even that was a bad situation to realize that).

Roberto, Emanuela and Shirley
So the niece's birthday happened, I came to London and now I already know how important is open my mind, my heart and allow myself to understand that love doesn't means just good things, but is a mixed of feelings that makes someone so important in my life that I need to be angry/bored/happy/disappointed with this person. Do you know why I can feel all these feelings? Because I care about this person. And If I care is because I wish the best. If I wish the best is because this person is a part of me and I don't wanna take this part away from me.

Me and Emanuela

segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2012


I know that have a long time that i don't write here, is completely my fault, but I have been very busy. A lot of things changed happend in my life and, one more time, i am trying to deal with the homesickness.

Yes, one more change in my life,  but now is COMPLETELY far way of my family, friends, culture: I am in London. I arrived here in 24th March and since then I am doing my best to make new friends, learn (more) about English and the most important thing: open my mind for a new culture.

During the week, as possible as I can, I will describe about some important points about me, my new experience and how i am leading with all alone, therefore this is my first experience without everybody that I love around me. I am not complaining, actually i am very happy with all theses changes, because  it really makes me feel recycled.

See you soon !